Speaking (Exercise & Noise)


Idioms & Expressions:

get a workout in (a phrase that refers to finding time to get some exercise)

I got up early so that I was able to get a workout in before work.


burn some calories (an expression people use when discussing exercise)

I love sprinting. It’s a great exercise that burns a lot of calories.


do some laps (verb, this means to swim back and forth in a pool or run around a track)

We did a lot of laps last night in the pool, and I’m very tired today.


pet peeve (noun, refers to something that really annoys you)

Please stop cracking your knuckles! That noise is my pet peeve.

vibe/feel/atmosphere/ambience (these are all nouns that can be combined with an adjective to describe a place, such as “pleasant atmosphere, or “nice vibe,” etc)

The restaurant has a good menu and a pleasant vibe.

I like the relaxed ambience in this coffee shop.


hustle and bustle (a noun that describes the fast-paced movement in a place)

I’m glad I moved to the countryside – I don’t really miss the hustle and bustle of the city.


cause a commotion/causing a ruckus (verbs that mean that a lot of noise is being made by someone or something)

The kids started running around and causing a commotion when they got home from school.


making some noise about (a verb phrase that means to complain about something)

The protesters have been making noise about the government’s lack of concern on the issue.


can’t hear myself think (an expression that means that a place is so noisy that you’re having a hard time concentrating)

It’s so noisy in here that I can’t hear myself think.


Part I: Group Discussions

  1. What sports do you like? (why?)

When it comes to playing, I like tennis or lifting weights. But when it comes to watching, I really like basketball and also American football (the NFL).

  1. What sports are the most popular in Vietnam?

I think that football is of course the biggest sport around in Vietnam. That seems to be the case for most of the world, except the US, and America is no exception.

  1. Are boys and girls good at the same sports?

I think so – boys are better physical endeavors like rugby. Girls don’t have the same amount of natural strength, so they usually do other sports like field hockey or volleyball.

  1. What sports do children prefer?

I think kids will do pretty much anything. When it comes to sports, a simpler sport is probably better. For example, football and baseball are both sports that require more patience and strategy than kids usually have.

  1. Do you like to do daily exercise? (why?why not?)

I definitely do. I exercise every day. Mostly because both of my parents are fat, and I don’t want to end up like them one day! I also feel pretty good after a workout, so I’ll keep doing it as long as I can.

  1. What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?

Exercise releases endorphins and gives you a positive outlook on life, I think. It also lowers your risk of cancer and contracting certain illnesses.

  1. Where do people in Vietnam usually exercise?

I usually see locals here workout in the park or in their front yards. There are a few gyms here too, and while I mostly only see foreigners in them, some Vietnamese people stop by sometimes.

Part II: Group Discussion (Cont’d)

Describe a quiet place. You should say:

Where it is

How often you visit there

What you do there

And explain the reason why you like or dislike the place.

My favorite café is a quiet little spot on a street in Incheon, South Korea. It was on the same street I lived on, so I found it easily. It was a small place with only six tables. The lighting was very warm and the tables were made of wood, and had red benches to sit on. It was so small that it couldn’t really get crowded, which was very nice for me, because I like a quiet place to relax. I like to go there because I had the chance to sit there and focus on my writing for long periods of time.

I don’t live near it anymore, but when I was in Korea I went there almost every day. I went there so often that if people didn’t know where to find me, they could go look for me at the café, and I would usually be there. The café had a great menu. They served all sorts of coffee, lattes, and tea. Also, they had a selection of lunch and dinner specials. I usually ordered noodles, chicken salad, or English brunch. I spent a lot of money there, and I think the owner liked me a lot because of this. I also introduced my friends to the place, and they ended up going there with me whenever they were in my town. I loved going there because the coffee was very cheap, and I got free refills (so I would often drink about three cups in a day). But what was most important to me was the ambience. It was usually pretty quiet, and therefore a good place for me to focus on work, writing, or reading a book. Quiet time and coffee are both very important things to me, so this was my “happy place.”

Part III: Class Discussion

  1. What are the places that are free of noises?

The countryside I think is your best bet if you want to find a quiet spot. Beyond that, most cities get pretty quiet in the middle of the night, at about 3 am.

  1. What are the causes of noises?

Noise is simply created by people moving around (most noise, anyway – the weather makes some noise, too). But if you’re in a place without a lot of people, then that place is definitely going to be quiet.

  1. What are the impacts of noises on people?

Noise gets really annoying to me, actually. I wear headphones all the time when I’m out in public. I dislike hearing people talk and chew – things like that. Other people have a similar viewpoint, I think. People tend to enjoy peace more than chaos.

  1. Do you there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?

I wouldn’t say that there’s more of it, but I’d say that more people are exposed to it, since most people live in the cities now. But I think cities are just as noisy as they have ever been. They’ve been a consistent level of noisy nice car engines were invented.

  1. Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?

Perhaps – if we invent quieter engines and means to transport people around. But if we don’t make any innovations, then the level of noise is going to be the same.